Session 1 - Marine information and data management
- 36 - Roy Lowry, Adam Leadbetter and Matteo Vinci - Semantically-enhanced Aggregation of SeaDataNet Data (PDF)
- 37 - Alex Kozyr - CDIAC Data Management Support for Ocean Carbon Dioxide Measurements (PDF)
- 47 - Robert Keeley and Reiner Schlitzer - Modular Information Content for Ocean Data Systems (PDF)
- 54 - Maureen Pagnani, Robert Huber and Richard Lampitt - FixO3 : The next phase of Open Ocean observatory Data Management Harmonisation (PDF)
- 56 - Tony Jolibois, Vincent Claverie, Thomas Loubrieu, Laia Romero, Jon Blower, Rémi De-Dianous and Guy Griffiths - Data access services in MyOcean: needs, technical challenges and implementation (PDF)
- 62 - David Cotton, Terry Allen and Lesley Rickards - MEDIN - A UK Partnership for Managing Marine Data and Information (PDF)
- 71 - Joan Olive, Jordi Sorribas, Anna Vetrano, Marc Nokin and Mireno Borghini - CTD calibration description using SensorML files (PDF)
- 74 - Carlos Pinto and Neil Holdsworth - ICES Data portal, a single entry point to marine knowledge (PDF)
- 80 - Gianpaolo Coro, Antonio Gioia, Pasquale Pagano and Leonardo Candela - A Service for Statistical Analysis of Marine Data in a Distributed e-Infrastructure (PDF)
- 81 - Sissy Iona, Stavroula Balopoulou, Pelopidas Karagevrekis and Angelo Lykiardopoulos - The HNODC Data & Information Management Services: Description & Recent Upgrades (PDF)
- 86 - Mike McCann and Julio Harvey - STOQS: The Spatial Temporal Oceanographic Query System (PDF)
- 93 - Joaquin Gatti, Juan Arroqui, Santiago Trigo, Ana Baldoni, Graciela Molinari and Raúl Guerrero - ALBATROSS: Retrieval, processing and visualization of INIDEP’s oceanographic data and products (PDF)
- 97 - Marcia Moreno-Báez, Victoria Mariel Jimenez Esquivel and Octavio Aburto-Oropeza - A collaborative research framework to collect data for the understanding of coastal and marine ecosystems and fisheries (PDF)
- 98 - Greg Reed - A Quality Management Approach to the Delivery of Marine Data and Services
- 99 - Damir Ivanković, Ivan Vucic and Vlado Dadić - Using GeoServer and spatial database for receiving and analyzing of georeferenced data (PDF)
- 112 - Renzo Kottmann, Aleksandar Pop Ristov, Julia Schnetzer, Antonio Fernandez-Guerra and Frank Oliver Gloeckner - Bridging the gap between marine environmental and molecular data: The Micro B3 Information System
- 121 - Andrea Pannocchi, Lucía Arranz and Alberto Hernández - Sub-surface Underway Data Validation at IEO Data Center (PDF)
- 124 - Andree Behnken, Robert Huber, Christoph Waldmann, Mikhael Kononets, Anders Tengberg, Per Hall and Henrik Stahl - Using OGC standards (SOS, O&M) to standardize data flow from cabled marine observatories to the PANGAEA data archive (PDF)
- 125 - Angelo Lykiardopoulos, Konstantinos Kalkavouras, Flavian Gheorghe and Sissy Iona - Monitoring services in the framework of SeaDataNet II Project (PDF)
- 146 - Lesley Rickards, Jean-Bernard Minster and Mustapha Mokrane - Progress in developing the ICSU World Data System
- 166 - Valentina Grande - COCONET PROJECT (Towards COast to COast NETworks of marine protected areas) - the architecture of a common Geodatabase for Marine Data Management and synthesis (PDF)